Qualys Cloud Platform 10.10 (VM/PC) API notification 1


Last updated on: April 19, 2021

A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform 10.10 (VM/PC) includes an updated API which is targeted for release in May 2021. The specific day will differ depending on the platform. See platform release dates on the Qualys Status page. This API notification provides an early preview into the coming API, allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage this updated API.

What’s New

Compliance Policy API – Added Remediation Information for Control Technologies
Starting with this release, users have the ability to customize remediation details for controls from within the Policy Editor UI. Remediation values can be defined for both Service-Defined Controls (SDCs) and User-Defined Controls (UDCs). Each technology for a control can have a different, custom remediation value. To save time, users have the option in the UI to copy control settings, including the remediation value, from one technology to all the other technologies for the same control. We made API changes to support this feature.

Evaluate scan results as a string for Unix File Content Custom Controls

We added an option to Unix File Content custom controls to evaluate scan results as a string instead string list. Once the parameter is enabled (1), the scan result is evaluated as a single string. By default the option is disabled (0).

Posture Info API – Filter Output by Last Evaluation Date
Users already have the ability to filter the posture information list output by the date parameter status_changes_since, which filters results based on the posture’s status modified date. Now we’re introducing a new date parameter called evaluation_date that allows users to filter the output by the last posture evaluation date/time. The XML output will show the evaluation date. We also updated the Posture Info Output DTD to support this feature. There is no change to CSV output.

VM Host List Detection and VM Host List API – New IPv6 Filter

This release introduces a new input parameter for the VM Host List Detection and Host List API that will allow you to filter hosts based on IPv6 address.

OS-Authentication-based Data Collection Support for IBM WebSphere Liberty

Now you can enable data collection on the IBM WebSphere Liberty instances by using the underlying OS authentication records without creating an authentication record for IBM WebSphere Liberty. Currently, we support the following IBM WebSphere Liberty versions:

  • IBM WebSphere Liberty 19.x
  • IBM WebSphere Liberty 20.x

For IBM WebSphere Liberty instances running on UNIX host assets, you must create a Unix authentication record with Sudo as root delegation.

New Azure MS SQL Record
Azure MS SQL authentication is now supported for only compliance scans. The new Azure MS SQL Authentication API (api/2.0/fo/auth/azure_ms_sql/) lets you list, create, update and delete Azure MS SQL authentication records. User permissions for this API are the same as other authentication record APIs. Note that the API supports only Database authentication. You can use the Auto discover parameter and we’ll automatically find databases on your target hosts, so you don’t have to provide database information in your record.

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