Qualys Cloud Platform 10.20 (VM/PC) API notification 2


Last updated on: July 13, 2022

A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform 10.20 (VM/PC) includes an updated API which will be available August 2022. This API notification provides notice of this API allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage this API.

What’s New
Display CVSS Version 3.1 in API Output and Reports


We calculate CVSS3 scores for vulnerabilities based on CVSS version 3.1. However, the labels that appear in the UI, API and Reports where we display CVSS3 scores do not currently reflect the 3.1 version number. Now you will see CVSS version 3.1 wherever CVSS3 values are referenced.

New API for VM Scan Summary
This release introduces a new API endpoint for VM Scan Summary. This API can be used as an alternative to the previous VM Scan Summary API. It’s easier to use, has more filter options and enhanced output content.

MongoDB Authentication: Certificates/Private Keys Now Supported With Basic and Vault Login
With this new implementation, customer can now use Private Keys/Certificates along with Basic & Vault based login. A new “Require Cert”,tag is added for Basic and Vault based login. This option by default will be set to “0”. If set to “1”, user will be able to add certs/pks as well with login type Basic | vault.

Authentication Support for new technology: Infoblox devices
With this new technology support, customer can now create Infoblox authentication records.

Maximum Scan Duration for Asset
This release introduces ability to cancel or skip IP/DNS/NetBIOS if it takes more than predetermined time during scanning.

New Parameter Added to Get Posture Info API in PCRS
With this release, Qualys Policy Compliance Reporting Service (PCRS) has added lastScanDate as an optional request parameter to the Get Posture Info API. This parameter fetches postures based on the date on which an asset was last scanned.

The release notes are here: https://www.qualys.com/docs/release-notes/qualys-cloud-platform-10.20-api-release-notes.pdf

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