Qualy Cloud Platform 10.23 (VM/PC) API notification 1
Last updated on: June 6, 2023
A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform 10.23 (VM/PC) includes updated APIs which is targeted for release in June 2023. The specific day will differ depending on the platform. See platform release dates on the Qualys Status page. This API notification provides an early preview into the coming API, allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage this updated API.
What’s New
Renamed ARS-Related Parameters to Replace ARS with TruRisk
With this release, all the ARS (Asset Risk Score) related parameters are renamed to replace ARS with TruRisk score.
With this release, all the ARS (Asset Risk Score) related parameters are renamed to replace ARS with TruRisk score in host-based scan reports, both XML and CSV formats.
Enhanced Host Details
With this release, to enhance the host asset data and improve asset visibility in integration systems, additional parameters have been introduced in the response of the Host List API. These parameters mainly include the BIOS serial number and hardware UUID for each host detection. These parameters improve asset visibility in downstream integration systems and provide precise information about the asset’s state.
Introduced Unique IDs for Vulnerability Detections
With this release, a new parameter has been added to distinguish each vulnerability detection uniquely across different assets, ports, services, etc. This means that even if the same vulnerability is detected on multiple assets, each occurrence has a separate identifier to ensure individual identification.
The release notes are here: https://www.qualys.com/docs/release-notes/qualys-cloud-platform-10.23-api-release-notes.pdf