Qualys Cloud Platform 2.5 (PM) API notification 1


A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform 2.5 (PM) includes updated APIs which is targeted for release in September 2023. The specific day will differ depending on the platform. See platform release dates on the Qualys Status page. This API notification provides an early preview into the coming API, allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage this updated API.

What’s New
System Reboot Pre-action for Windows Deployment Job
With this release, you can now add a “System Reboot” pre-action at the time of Windows deployment job creation to reboot the system with the help of a job.

Changes in Column Names of Downloaded Reports
With this release, you can see that multiple column names are changed from the downloaded reports of certain Reports APIs.

List of Job Progress Reports Support for Mac
With this release, you can also use this API to fetch a list of recently triggered Mac Job Progress reports.

The release notes are here: https://www.qualys.com/docs/release-notes/qualys-patch-management-2.5-api-release-notes.pdf

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