Qualys Cloud Platform 4.0.1 (FIM) API Notification 1

Prabhas Gupte

A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform 4.0.1 (FIM) includes updated APIs, which is targeted for release in June 2024. The specific day will differ depending on the platform. See platform release dates on the Qualys Status page. This API notification provides an early preview into the upcoming APIs, allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage these updated APIs.

What’s New?

In this release, we have enhanced the Import Profile from CSV API with validations matching FIM UI, ensuring consistent profile creation. Additionally, we have updated Export Profile CSV API by removing fields that are not displayed in FIM UI to prevent confusion.

Added Validation to Import Profile from CSV API

POST /fim/v3/profiles/importcsv

With this release, we have added validations to this API. Now, the same validations for profile creation that are in FIM UI are also applicable in this API.

Removed Support for a Few Fields from Export Profile CSV API

POST /fim/v3/profiles/exportcsv

We have removed support for the fields Syncfromid, Synctype, and Number from the Export Profile CSV API. Since these fields are not displayed in the FIM UI, their removal helps avoid confusion.

Please refer the detailed release note here: https://cdn2.qualys.com/docs/release-notes/qualys-fim-4.0.1-api-release-notes.pdf

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