Qualys Cloud Platform 4.4 (FIM) API Notification 1

Prabhas Gupte

A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform 4.4 (FIM) includes updated APIs, which is targeted for release in December 2024. The specific day will differ depending on the platform. See platform release dates on the Qualys Status page. This API notification provides an early preview into the coming API changes, allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage this updated API.

What’s New?

In this release, we have updated our data retention policy to comply with regulations. Starting with the upcoming release, data older than 15 months will no longer be accessible. Please make sure to save any important data beyond this timeframe.

Update in Data Retention Policy

To comply with data retention policies and regulations, we have restricted access to the data for up to 15 months. You now have access to data that is up to 15 months old. With the upcoming release, retrieval of data older than 15 months will no longer be possible. We recommend that you save any important data that is older than 15 months, if necessary.

The below listed APIs are updated to support this change.

FIM Events APIs

POST /fim/v2/events/search

POST /fim/v2/events/count

Ignored FIM Events APIs

POST /fim/v2/events/ignore/search

POST /fim/v2/events/ignore/count

FIM Incidents APIs

POST /fim/v2/incidents/{incidentId}/events/search

POST /fim/v2/incidents/{incidentId}/events/count

For more details, please refer the release note here: https://docs.qualys.com/en/fim/release-notes/file_integrity_monitoring/release_4_4_api.htm

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