Policy Compliance Library Updates, December 2015
Last updated on: November 27, 2020
Qualys’ library of built-in policies makes it easy to comply with commonly adhered to security standards and regulations. Qualys provides a wide range of policies, including many that have been certified by CIS as well as ones based on security guidelines from vendors such as Microsoft and VMware.
In order to keep up with the latest changes in security control requirements and new technologies, Qualys publishes new content to the Policy Library monthly.
New and Updated CIS Benchmarks
CIS Benchmarks are developed through consensus, providing an industry recognized collection of best practice controls. Qualys is committed to broad coverage of the CIS Benchmarks and regularly releases certified policies as well as contributing to the development of new benchmarks through the CIS Community.
Qualys’ Certification Page at CIS has been updated: https://benchmarks.cisecurity.org/membership/certified/qualys
Recent additions to the policy library include the following certified CIS Benchmarks:
- CIS Benchmark for Apache Tomcat 6.0 v1.0.0
- CIS Benchmark for Oracle MySQL Community Server 5.6, v1.0.0
- CIS Benchmark for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, v1.1.0
New Security and Configuration Policy
- Security Configuration and Compliance Policy for Apache Tomcat 7.x
- Security Configuration and Compliance Policy for Pivotal TC Server 3.x
- Security Configuration and Compliance Policy for vFabric TC Server 2.9.x
If you have any questions please contact your TAM or Technical Support.