Qualys Cloud Platform (VM, PC) 8.17 New Features

Pronamika Abraham

Last updated on: June 1, 2020

Qualys Cloud Platform (VM, PC) version 8.17 contains various feature enhancements in Qualys Vulnerability Management and Qualys Policy Compliance. In addition, this release also lowers the time required before pausing or canceling an ongoing scan. Previously, scheduled scans could be cancelled or paused after a minimum of one hour from its start time.

Feature highlights include:

Qualys Cloud Platform

  • Lower duration to pause or cancel scans
    Users can now pause or cancel an ongoing scan after it has run for 15-59 minutes. A scan can be paused or canceled as early as 15 minutes after its start time, when the value for Pause or Cancel hours is set to 0. This option is available for all types of scan schedules, including VM, EC2, PC, SCAP, CertView and Map scans.


For more details, please review the 8.17 release notes and 8.17 API release notes available on the release notes page.

Platform release dates will be published on the Qualys Status page when available.

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