August 2020 Platform Release: Special Characters in Passwords and More
Last updated on: October 1, 2020
Table of Contents
The Qualys Cloud Platform August 2020 releases include Qualys Cloud Suite 3.1.1 and 10.3.0 releases, which contain new features in Qualys Cloud Platform, Policy Compliance, AssetView, and adds support for several new technologies.
Feature Highlights
Cloud Platform
- New “Use IP Range Tags” option for the Include and Exclude target selection (Release 10.3.0)
The new option – Use IP Network Range Tags will enable users to specify an IP range tag to define assets to include in a scan, and then use system-defined or user-defined tags that are within a particular range to be excluded. Users can use this new option to include/exclude asset tags for new as well as scheduled scans.

- Expanded support for special characters in passwords
User-defined passwords now support all printable ASCII characters:
( ) ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * – + = | \ { } [ ] : ; ” ‘ < > , . ? /
Policy Compliance (PC)
- New technology support (Release 10.3.0)
With this release, Qualys PC will add support for the following new technologies:- Microsoft SQL Server 2019
- Apache HTTP server on Windows
- IBM HTTP Server on Windows
- WebSphere Application Server on Windows
- Support for Azure Assets Activation (Release 3.1.1)
With the 3.1.1 release, users will be able to activate the discovered Microsoft Azure assets for scans. For this, users need to configure the Tags and Activation step within the Microsoft Azure connector wizard. The Microsoft Azure assets will be activated automatically as they are discovered, and the specified tags will be assigned.
Expanded support for special characters in passwords – woo hoo ! I’ve actually been waiting for that for a long time.