May 2021 Releases: New Authentication Record for Network Devices, Scanner Support for Database Assessments, and More
The Qualys Cloud Platform May 2021 release includes Qualys Cloud Suite, which contains new features in Policy Compliance and Vulnerability Management.
Feature Highlights
Qualys Cloud Platform
New authentication record for Network SSH
Earlier versions of Qualys Cloud Platform (QWeb) allowed users to authenticate only Unix devices using SSH2 authentication format. Starting this release, Qualys has extended this functionality to enable users to create a Network SSH authentication record by using SSH2 authentication format for network devices such as Cisco and Check Point.

Note: All vaults supported by Unix/Cisco authentication record will be supported for Network SSH record as well.
Policy Compliance
Compliance Assessment of Databases Using OS Authentication Records (Scanner)
The release enables you to assess databases using scanner without having the database authentication records.
Qualys Policy Compliance will now provide failover assessment using OS-based instance data collection, in the absence of DB authentication records for the following databases:
- GreenPlum 5.x and 6.x (Unix)
- IBM DB2 9.x, 10.x, 11.x (Unix and Windows)
- IBM Informix 11.x, 12.x (Unix)
- PostgreSQL 9.x ,10.x, 11.x, 12.x (Unix)
- Sybase/SAP ASE 15.x, 16.x (Unix)
New authentication record and technology support
This release adds support for Neo4j as a new technology and authentication record.