March 2023 Release: Automated Debug Scan for VM Internal Scanner and QQL Support for Alibaba Assets
Qualys Cloud Platform March 2023 release includes Qualys Cloud Platform 10.22 and 3.15, which offers automated internal debug scan and QQL support for Alibaba metadata fields in VMDR.
Feature Highlights
Qualys Cloud Platform
QQL Support for Alibaba Cloud Assets
Starting this release, you can search Alibaba cloud assets using QQL tokens in the VMDR application. You can choose from 20 QQL tokens available in the VMDR application to search Alibaba assets, which were scanned through Qualys Cloud Agent.

For example:
To search for Alibaba cloud assets belonging to a particular account with a specific Id, use the following search QQL in the search bar.

Run Automated Debug Scan for VM Internal Scanner
The new option lets you run an internal debug scan without any manual customer-support interaction. This helps to automate debug scanning, prevent human error, and eliminate time-consuming manual procedures.
Activate the Debug Scan within the VMDR product by navigating to Scans > Setup. The new option Debug Scan is available.

You can enable the Debug Scan by selecting Enable Debug Scan and then Save.

Note: This is a subscription-based feature.