Update to EC2 Scan Workflows and Recommended AWS Scanner Image

Himanshu Kathpal

With QWEB 10.18 Release in April 2022, Qualys has updated the EC2 scan workflows within the Qualys UI/API to allow customers to use a single scanner for cloud security assessments and instance-based scanning.

Users are no longer required to download the Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance (PreAuthorized Scanning) HVM image for EC2 instance-based scanning in VM, PC and SCA. For new scanner deployments in AWS, we recommend downloading the Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance HVM image from the Amazon AWS Marketplace

As of 13th March, 2023, Qualys has removed the Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance (Pre-Authorized Scanning) HVM image from the marketplace. For existing scanner deployments in AWS, your virtual scanner appliances deployed using the Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance (Pre-Authorized Scanning) HVM image will continue to show up in EC2 scan workflows in the UI and API. Starting QWEB 10.18 Release, the virtual scanner appliances deployed in AWS using the Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance HVM image will also be listed in your EC2 scan workflows. This includes any existing scanners and new scanner deployments. To save costs, if you already have 2 scanners (1 scanner for cloud scans & 1 scanner for instance-based scans) deployed where only 1 scanner is required now, you can decommission one of your scanners. You will save on the cost of the virtual scanner license and save on AWS costs for running the appliance as an EC2 instance.

This change was shared On April 4, 2022 as well via https://www.qualys.com/docs/release-notes/qualys-cloud-platform-10.18-release-notes.pdf.

For questions and further assistance, schedule a meeting with our Qualys Technical Account Manager and Solutions Architects; we are here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which scanner do I need to use to run EC2 scans?

Please continue to use Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance HVM on AWS Marketplace from AWS Marketplace and follow the steps from https://qualysguard.qualys.com/qwebhelp/fo_portal/scans/ec2_deploy_scanner.htm to deploy the scanners.

Is there an impact to my existing scans using pre-authorized scanners OR existing pre-authorized scanners?

No, existing scans using pre-authorized scanners OR existing pre-authorized scanners are not impacted by this change and would continue to work. Qualys will just no longer offer “Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance (Pre-Authorized Scanning) HVM”, and all new VM instances can be launched using the standard HVM images with all the same features and functionalities.

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