Qualys Flow 1.9.1 Release Update


In this release, we have introduced new enhancements and modifications. This release is planned to be deployed by the start of Oct 2023.

Clone, Import, Export Qualys Flow

In the Qualys Flow Product, users can effortlessly create a wide range of no-code workflows by dragging and dropping nodes and building sequences. This release introduces a valuable new feature – the ability to Import/Export or Clone workflows to enhance usability.

It will empower the Qualys Flow users to quickly duplicate and customize workflows that suit their needs. Depending on the role and requirements, you can now leverage these new capabilities to streamline your workflow creation and management processes effectively.

Fig 1. QFlow Import/Export and Clone

This functionality is accessible through role permissions, specifically the “QFlow Clone Access” and “QFlow Import Access” permissions found within the “Write Permissions” section of Qualys Flow.

It is important to note that the full utilization of this feature becomes available once Portal 3.16.1 is deployed. This deployment enables you to grant the necessary role permissions to users, ensuring a seamless and secure workflow management experience.

Fig.2 QFlow New Permissions


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