Upgrade to Qualys’ Learning Management System (LMS)

Nicholas Dlouhy

What is happening?

To better drive learning for customers, partners, and students, Qualys is upgrading our Learning Management System (LMS), the application we use to house and conduct training. If you are a user of the current LMS, your training history and certifications will stay intact.

When is the change happening?

The upgrade will be complete on March 5, 2024. The learning platform will be unavailable from February 29, 2024, at 10 PM ET to March 5, 2024, at 7 AM ET. You will not have access to your learning transcript, Self-Paced Courses, or certification exams during this time. All instructor-led training will still occur during its scheduled time.

You will want to complete any self-paced training you’ve started before February 29, 2024. Otherwise, you will need to start again after the upgrade.

Why are we upgrading?

The upgrade will allow us to drive learning for customers, partners, students, and other learners. It will provide more flexible ways to learn over time and be easier to use.

What is changing?

Not much is changing right now. After you log in, you will still be able to access Qualys training, your transcripts, and the catalog for training offerings, just as you always have previously.

Where do I log in?

You’ll log in at qualys.com/learning.

After March 5, if you have an existing learning account, you must reset your password. You can follow the instructions in the FAQ section below on how to do this.

If you are a new user, you will need to create a new account.


How do I reset my password?

1. From March 5, 2024, onward, navigate to https://qualys.com/learning and click the Forgot your password? link.
2. Enter your Username (See the question below if you don’t remember your username).
NOTE: This will be the same username you’ve been using on our learning system.
3. Ensure the Send by email option is enabled, then click the Next button.

The system will then send you an email with password reset instructions to the email address we have on file for your username. Be on the lookout for an email from <noreply@sumtotalsystems.com> for those instructions. The email may take 10-15 min to appear. You may need to allowlist noreply@sumtotalsystems.com.

What if I do not remember my username?

If you have saved your credentials in your web browser’s password manager or a separate password manager, those credentials may be saved under the URL: https://gm1.geolearning.com/geonext/qualys/login.geo

Use that username to reset your password.

If you are unable to reset your password for any reason, please contact us at training@qualys.com.

Where can I find my transcript?

You can find your transcript by logging in to the LMS at https://qualys.com/learning and then clicking on the My Transcript button on the Home page.

How do I download my diplomas/certificates?

To download your certificates:

1. Log in to the LMS at https://qualys.com/learning
2. Select the My Transcript button.
Once on the Training Transcript page, any Course or Exam you have obtained a certificate for will have a small certificate icon to the left of the Course/Exam name.

3. Click on that icon, and a new window will appear with Export to PDF and download options.

How do I enroll in Self-Paced or upcoming Instructor-Led Training?

To register for training:

1. Log in to the LMS at https://qualys.com/learning
2. Select the Qualys Catalog button.
Once on the Qualys Catalog page, you will be met with several widgets that show Certified Courses, Onboarding Courses, Foundational Courses, and Certified Exams.
3. Click on the training you’d like to take.

What if I was in the middle of a self-paced training before the upgrade?

You will need to restart that training. All completed training will be in your transcript.

If I’ve started training after the upgrade, where do I go to resume my training?

1. Log in to the LMS at https://qualys.com/learning
2. Select the In Progress Learning button.
Once on the In Progress Learning page, you will be met with several widgets that show Resume Self-Paced Learning, Upcoming Instructor-led Training, My Enrolled Instructor-led Classes, and Recently Launched Self-Paced Training.

Does this impact my data on the Qualys Platform?

This upgrade on the learning system does not impact your Qualys Platform (vulnerability, compliance, etc.) data. This is only an upgrade to the learning system and training data.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have remaining questions, please reach out to training@qualys.com.

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