Qualys TotalCloud 2.9.0 Release Updates

Shrikant Dhanawade

The Qualys TotalCloud 2.9.0 version introduces new enhancements and modifications to its configuration. This release will be deployed by the first week of April 2024.

Enhancements to Qualys tag selection under Connectors

Prior to this release, the connectors provided tag selection options for automatically tagging cloud inventory in Qualys, catering to various use cases like RBAC, prioritization, exceptions, etc. Tags can be created in two ways: static tags are the named tags, and dynamic tags are based on queries. However, connectors can only accept allocating static tags to discovered resources. In this release, we introduce the ability to select appropriate tags, enhancing flexibility and customization.

Support for New Mandates and Version Upgrades

TotalCloud now supports new mandates for CSPM.

Sr. No.Mandate NameVersion
1Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP LI-SaaS) – LI-SaaS Security BaselineRev. 5
2Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP L) – Low Security BaselineRev. 5
3ISO/IEC 27001:2022Third edition 2022-10

We also have updated mandate names and versions.

Sr. No.Old Mandate NameNew Mandate Name
1Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP H) – High Security Baseline Rev. 4Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP H) – High Security Baseline Rev. 5
2Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP M) – Moderate Security Baseline Rev. 4Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP M) – Moderate Security Baseline Rev. 5

Extend Org Connectors to configure VM, PC, and CertView

This release also introduces an activation of cloud workload scans on the respective member connectors via the organization connectors. You can now configure VM (vuln scan), PC (policy Scan), and CertView (certificate) scans with the organization connectors in a unified way. This helps enable or disable the respective workload scans for all the cloud accounts via the organization connectors.


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