Qualys Cloud Platform 3.1.1 (AM/CA) API notification 1
A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform 3.1.1 (AM/CA) includes an updated API which is targeted for release in August 2020. The specific day will differ depending on the platform. See platform release dates on the Qualys Status page. This API notification provides an early preview into the coming API, allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage this updated API.
What’s New
AM API: Details for Azure Assets
We have enhanced search for Microsoft Azure VM instances with the new parameters that we have introduced. Using the new inputs parameters, you can refine your search criteria for VM instances.
CA API: Support for Security Analytics (SA) module
With this release, you can activate or deactivate agents for Security Analytics (SA) module, create agent key for SA using APIs in Cloud Agent. A new value for modules parameter is introduced for SA module – “AGENT_SA”.