Qualys Cloud Platform 3.16.1 (AM/CA/WAS) API notification 1


A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform 3.16.1 (AM/CA/WAS) includes updated APIs which is targeted for release in August 2023. The specific day will differ depending on the platform. See platform release dates on the Qualys Statuspage. This API notification provides an early preview into the coming API, allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage this updated API.

What’s New
AM API: Added BMC Helix as the New Tracking Method for HostAssets


With this release, we have introduced BMC Helix as the new tracking method for host assets. Similar to existing tracking methods, you can filter the host assets based on this new tracking methods

CA API: On Demand Scan Support for SwCA Scan

With this release, we have added support for launching Software Composition Analysis (SwCA) scan on-demand. The on-demand scan feature helps you with the flexibility to initiate a scan without waiting for the next scheduled scan.

WAS API: Remove from Subscription Support for Deleting Multiple Web Application
With this release, we have added support to remove multiple web applications from the subscription while deleting the web applications. You can use action as a query parameter to delete one or more web applications based on criteria provided in delete post request.

The release notes are here: https://www.qualys.com/docs/release-notes/qualys-cloud-platform-3.16.1-api-release-notes.pdf

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