Qualys Adds Support for Vulnerability Detections on ArubaOS

Diksha Ojha

Qualys VMDR team has added support for vulnerability detection on multiple ArubaOS versions.

ArubaOS is the network operating system behind industry-leading wireless solutions provided by Aruba Networks. ArubaOS offers seamless connectivity, security, and dependability required by organizations of all sizes. It supports current standards and interoperability for Wi-Fi standards and provides controller-based and controller-less alternatives to fulfill organizational expectations across all industries. ArubaOS uses SSH to allow users to log in using a username and password.

Currently, Qualys detected Aruba OS by the SNMP method. The new Auth ssh support for ArubaOS will cover all security advisories released by HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise).

Qualys will cover AruaOS security advisories from 2017 to the latest ones released in 2023. The advisories cover critical and high-severity vulnerabilities in different products. Qualys will support ArubOS versions 6.x.x.x and 8.x.x.x. 

QID 45017 is an information-gathering QID that checks for OS.

Below is an example of the scan results for IG QID 45017. The scan results show the installed ArubaOS versions 6.x.x.x and 8.x.x.x. Please refer to the screenshots:

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